Lung surgeon points to poor air quality as reason for growing lung cancer rates among young Delhi, India residents. (The Guardian, Nov. 10, 2017) Click to view
Industry/Scientific News
Few Smokers Receiving LDCT scans
Only about 2.5% of people at high risk for lung cancer are undergoing low-dose CT scans. The article highlights the expertise required to effectively use LDCT, reinforcing the need for a simpler, first-tier lung cancer screening test. (Sept. 14, 2017) Click to view
iBIO Institute’s PROPEL Center Celebrates 10 Years and Looks to Future with New Awards Program
Preora Pres. & CEO John Hart expresses support and gratitude for PROPEL’s contributions to Chicago’s growing medtech startup community. (June 27, 2017) Click to view
What Young People Need to Know About Colon Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, there has been a sharp increase of colorectal cancer in adults as young as their 20s and 30s (New York Times, March 16, 2017). Click to view
Lung Cancer Screening Rates Remain Low
According to findings from American Cancer Society researchers, very few people who could benefit from lung cancer screening – mostly current and former smokers – are actually getting the tests. (Feb. 2, 2017) Click to view.
Merck Tops as Lung Cancer Treatment Moves Past Chemotherapy
Bloomberg News reports that Merck is setting the pace in immunotherapy to fight lung tumors. (Oct. 9, 2016). Click to view.
Early prostate cancer diagnoses on the decline
The Chicago Tribune (Aug. 22, 2016) covered the ongoing debate regarding the pros and cons of the PSA screening test.
Click here to read the full story:
Chicago Tribune
Computers could be more accurate than pathologists in assessing lung cancer tissues
Stanford University researchers observed that computers had an edge over pathologists classifying tumors (August 2016)
Click here to read the full story.
Stanford University
Study Links Air Pollution to Lung Cancer Survival Time
According to USC research published in the medical journal Thorax, survival of patients in areas with high regional pollution was about three years shorter than for those in areas with lower levels of pollution. (Aug. 5, 2016) Click to view.
Lung Cancer Diagnostics Market Size Projected to Reach $3.64 Billion by 2024
According to Grand View Research, lung cancer-specific biomarkers will fuel the grown of the diagnostic market (June 2016)
Click here to read the full story.
Grand View Research